Not the window where Rapunzel longed, for the dashing young man to set her free. But the aperture through which a stupendous woman saw the boundless - world. The sight which made her realize that she can dream and attain the unfathomable. The window of opportunity and freedom. But is the world outside same as the one the window presented? Will she be able to breath as freely as now? Once outside will she have to yearn for 'a room of her own'? Will the man have a conscious enough to perceive that she can set herself free if she wants? Will the other Rapunzels , who still wait for their rescuers, pull her back in and shut her casement ? Will the sparrows that came by chirping on her windowsill be replaced by vultures ? Let what may the answer be, it is certain, she who has the deep desire in her to achieve what she dreamt of, will achieve it. She will crack open the window, break out by herself, and will soar above all vultures and will breath happy and independent.