Choking back the austere tears Holding a paled hand Feeling a fluttering pulse Auscultating to the drumming beats As they languidly diminish in strength *Swallowing the lumps in a throat Supporting a medicated head Watching the thoughts pass through eyes That have never seen (that never will) Imagining in black and white Covetous to see what they do Only allowed stagnant black Yearning to view the vividry of natural Always wasted on time spent dreaming Yet still holding on to them Reciting every reason through a brain You cannot chase away the darkness When it is one's only companion Harbors the soul in an animated delusion Driving towards the light in which it cannot see Letting the eyes rupture Longing,bursts within the velvet folds The sightless have deteriorated For nothing gives an interest, nor enthusiation Only to blame death upon the lonely darkness Although the life we lived was not scandalous While it may seem bleak and dismal We could have made something glamorous With not an apprehension we could be marvelous *Why couldn't we have been beautiful?