Out of all the hysteria that unraveled My sanity was the kickball lost in the neighbors garden Too embarrassed to recover One backpack strap over the shoulder made each step a dance hips swaying trying to retain balance as if that was something of a friend that i knew i would someday meet Each stride- each left right glide didn't make trotting a positive feat The sleet of sleep that rested on the bottoms of my eyes made me blind to the consciousness of others It was not the cracks in the concrete that caused every trip just legs struck out,just little "slips" Another layer of confusion lamenting My brain had disney stickers slapped onto every ridge and every gap Nobody mentioned they were supposed to look like that Underneath were throbbing aches A hostile home versus what the media had shown was school to become another danger zone Yes. I'll tell you now,years later some may try to atone The slight dominance they had felt over you will be overthrown Once you learn to make your own laughter the world will be your oyster that will be your umbrella for every drop of moisture that falls So trot through those doors, soon will come the adolescence wars right now though you're only five years old