I wouldn't say that I was polished if anything I'm kind of rough and I cannot help but sometimes feel I could never be enough
I know I can be charming I do generosity not greed But I have this nagging doubt That I can't give you what you need
I know that I could love you as good as any other man But will love alone be just enough to keep hold of your hand
I've seen the life you had before the designer names and tags and I know compared to you I run around in rags
So its time for me to ask you, please speak honest, true and free can really say you'd give that up to build a life with me?
It ok if you're uncertain or if the answers no it better that we know this now so our ways we each can go
I wish you luck with everything I really truly do I hope that next time on this earth I have enough for you
ŠA Thomas Hawkins 2010 http://poetryinprogress.com
The Community Poetry Project The creation of a handwritten poetry compilation featuring poems from poets around the world. For full details visit http://cheaperthantherapy.net