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Jul 2019
Footsteps dampened by cool lush grass meandering softly through a woodland scene. Quiet and soft leading to a place seldom used, seldom seen.

Each step accompanied by a symphony of birdsong floating on the still summer air. Splashes of colourful wild flowers delicate and rare painted so beautifully apon nature's seasonal canvas.

Stop to look, the view sublime, breathtaking beauty,if you take the time. Hidden treasures awaiting discovery. Fox cubs at play! Rolling, tumbling without a care bathed in warm dappled light.

Further down the golden path through enchanted grove a secret pond. Apon it's golden water a magnificent colourful dragonfly skims and flits.Β Β Apon it's banks the weeping willow bows it's branches as if to drink the cool waters

The brook chuckling as it flows reflected sunlight bejewels it, shining like liquid diamonds. A scene from heaven conjored by mother nature's magic wand.

Take a moment to comune with the divine, peaceful inspirational. It's spirit will infuse you body soul and mind. A carefree day, a little contemplation,a journey to relaxation.

A tonic for the hectic life,mother nature beckons you in. The curious traveller leaves uplifted. The scene remains awaiting the footsteps of the next seeker.
Written by
Gavin Oliver  52/M/Cornwall UK
(52/M/Cornwall UK)   
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