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Jul 2019
that's where
some of us
   had our start.

we thought that...
   we knew
what love was.

our immmature
     sweaty palms
and butterflies

much to learn
       we did....
about the
     birds and bees.

just ignorant
promising our lives
       on bended knee.

some relationships
   made it through
the storms
      of young

riding rogue waves
   and keeping the
boat afloat
      and in....
turbulent seas
     our heads above.

unique are
    the lovers that...
made it through
   every tornado
and every hurricane.

you are the
    lovers that....
took this love thing
to heart and never
   watched the other
leave for good
       through a
window pane.

i salute
  all of the childhood
sweethearts that
     never allowed their
love's to fall apart.

i'm envious
    of your dedication
and how you
    loved completely....

    one heart!
We were all here
Written by
The Concrete Poet  M
       S Olson, ---, --- and ---
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