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Mar 2013
Pebble after pebble,
my lungs fill.

The words "i'm sorry" have no meaning.

All I see is the black tangled mess that covers your head.
And the room is filled with echoes of once cherished memories.

Every second,
another drops.
Each drop takes away the meaning of the words spoken,
giving everything a bitter taste.
Nothing can come out of that word making hole on your face.
That weapon.
That promise.
That opening that tells others what you want, what you need, what you feel,
what this all means.
Or how sorry I am.
No words can fix this.

Every time I say it another pebble drops.
Eventually everything is meaningless,
And I can no longer breathe.
Written by
   st64, ---, Peyton Smith, ---, Megan Grace and 2 others
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