I wonder Do you feel the same things I do When we walked in the darkness With only our little candles to guide us
If my flame flickers Will you wait to see what is in store Or will you tell me “Hold it like this a little more”
When the wax burns my hand Will you tell me to man up It’ll go away But do you know I’m allergic?
When my light begins to fade Only to dissipate when I have no lighter to help myself Will you lean in with your flame? Will you give me your fire for a split second so mine can begin again? Or will you say “I got you next time” “I’ve just got too much on my plate”?
What if there’s no next time? Because that disappearing flame was the only life source. Because my demons keep blowing it out. Because i can’t see without it. Because i can’t see the paths, or why to continue moving. Because without it I can’t see why to stay here.