I lay on my back as a bird, wings spread, flew over head,
wide wing span, I was an eagle above the bedspread,
I did not know if I was dreaming or adrift,
Was music playing and off the bed did I lift?
Tired but restless unable to move or wake,
It was an eagle, flying high for my sake,
there was music that was playing in the conscious
world, a song that drove me deep to dream.
I knew now what it took to be alive,
Let loose the lyrics, propel me to drive,
My flight over the Earth's trees, rocks and all,
Gliding, there was no thought that I would fall,
As I had become, the hawk, that was carried aloft,
As I glided on the wind, which felt oh so soft,
There was confidence now that made me strong,
It would stay with me forever, the eagle and the hawk.
After a long day in the hot sun, I put on a John Denver 8 track with Eagle and the Hawk, laid down on my bed and
well... I dreamed, as a young man.