the hate The hate The Hate Dare I say the ******* Hate It oozes out of our people The thoughts slash me The glances beat me The words ******* me I sense it everywhere I go like the prey stalked by a panther Helpless to ignore it Helpless to change it Helpless...
Take a second to breathe let it all slip away don't allow our differences to define us Don't allow thoughts to change us Do Not allow the hatred to consume us! We need to find a way to be better to not wallow in what we were given take action and let it go Take action and feel their pain Take Action and love another!
I look out across my peers and notice only blank stares and lost attention does no one feel what I feel? does no one recognize the consequences? does no one wish to change? If the answer is yes, we have doomed ourselves Soon enough nothing will be left but hatred.