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Jun 2019
Gentle shifting of cotton in skin.
Perfect pillows cradle weary muscles.

Watery grey light peaks through the
Back door, singing heavy eyes awake.

No demanding buzz and bells today.
It’s still 7:30 despite.

Shampoo fragrance sinks into plush softness.
Heavy blankets soothe achy bones.

The leaves whistle and whisper into the quite.
Slow and rhythmic breath flutters stray brunette strands.

Its still 7:30, has been for whole time.
Nowhere to be today, the mind at rest.

Pitter-patter of rain counts the seconds
As it falls past unlistening ears.

4 cream-and-cognac wall hum deep.
They hold together as long as needed.

The hands start their cycle.
The great race begins.

Noise and movement explode onto eye lidded screens.

But for a moment…I sat still.
And that is what mattered.
Hannah J Strauss
Written by
Hannah J Strauss  21/F/Hamilton, New Zealand
(21/F/Hamilton, New Zealand)   
   Bogdan Dragos
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