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Jun 2019
There it goes again,
The eternal want
No the eternal, unending need.

It stalks my every thought,
Sullies my every waking moment
A rash of good intentions failed.

The hunger is none
The Desire is all I know.

Control and restriction
Gluttony and weakness

Why does the butter melting in a hot pan
Become more sensual
Than any *** on Earth
It is my undoing
And my creation

The pants that scream at the stiches
Please stop!
The Magazine that flaunts
Decedent holiday treats!
Tears burning away the ropes of order
The foul gas
A high for the next fight.

Those digits are God send
Values beyond value.
They laugh and tease
Their coldness unchangeable
I never liked maths anyways.

Each mirror lies differently
All more evil than the last
Their silver surface accentuating every pitfall in you

The porcelain beckons
The intoxicating stench of bleach
The embrace of understanding.

Shattered glass and shrapnel embed themselves
Into my DNA.
Never forget they say
I won’t. I cannot.
Hannah J Strauss
Written by
Hannah J Strauss  21/F/Hamilton, New Zealand
(21/F/Hamilton, New Zealand)   
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