when I feel the color green, I can breathe with ease, and I am transparent in a natural state of being.
I felt an earthquake once before, which lasted a handful of seconds where comprehension could not dare to overrule the obstacle of fear. And I felt my body sink into a darker place (where it sometimes does t to prove itself of overthinking) where not even the sound of a siren, nor the sight of dying stars could lead to an escape one day.. like the air leaped from a lung. And I stared at the sun so long that I began to doubt the myth of going blind completely.
Until the time came for another two dozen hours (or so) when a memory consumed my entire being, to exist within a place where I could feel the oxygen leak moments at a time drip- dropping levels quickly when I could feel my heart beating faster than I could have convinced myself to push myself to run faster than I believed was physically achievable without running out of air.
There was a time when I felt love from a distance: A mere fixture of imagination. And I feel that the term "too close for comfort" may or may not be necessary, in the terms of my summery here, since miles add up like words on a page that has been printed and copied for one to read...
to feel- alone and to escape into a room full of green grass and glass walls
Is where I feel the wind as I walk from past to future.