I know I shouldn't smoke a pack a day I know how bad it is and how much money the whole shebang
and I know I shouldn't drink more days of the week than not I know that I do stupid things like loosing in a drinking game and being forced to sprint up and down 6 flights of stairs I know that I get all sappy and promise girls things I can't give I know it's bad that at the end of a day I crave a drink but sometimes you just need to get good and drunk
I know that I shouldn't smoke *** spending most of my day high up in the clouds taking a nap but it relaxes me and it makes everything seem so **** nice and I know it's bad to not be able to sleep without toking up I know it shouldn't be okay to be bored but hey it makes ****** movies a whole lot better which is huge service to people everywhere
I know the lifestyle's not too hot and trust me I know you know and that you only want what's best for me but sometimes you just have to make some really bad decisions