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Mar 2013
I've had such a ****** up life, and if you we're to ask me what it was like I would say imagine the worste possible childhood ever and that would be my childhood, I've gone through so much, but it's ok because I've turned out so well, I have an amazing and perfect boyfriend who I love more than anything, and I know he'll be by my side no matter what happens, and I know for a fact that I want to spend the rest of my life with him, I am the luckiest girl alive to have found such a perfect boyfriend like him, I've lost so many people in my life, but I am so happy to say that I know I'm never going to loose him, and he will be mine forever, he has changed me in so many great ways, I never thought I could love someone as much as I love him, I didn't even realize it was possible to love someone so much, but anyway the moral of the story Is that no matter how horrible and rough your life has been, it will always get better I promise, and you will always find someone who loves you for who you are, and they will always be with you, like me and my boyfriend Nick, it will get better though don't worry :) <999999999999999 XOXOXOXOXOXO
Angel Groman
Written by
Angel Groman
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