the air touching my skin was noticeably warmer this week and today is the First of March and people are beginning to talk about Daylight Savings Time and there's that familiar excitement in my chest again the Spring butterflies returning to my stomach every time I smell the electric ozone scent of growth energy power life carried in the warm, wet breeze blowing from the west it's the chill down my spine and the recurring gooseflesh anxiously awaiting all the unknown possibilities opportunities drifting in on the wind every day it seems the Sun changes color a little more shading from the hazy white-blue hue of Winter toward the bright hot yellow-orange fireball of Summer and I swear I can taste that color shift with my skin licking it up cat bath of photons drinking it down sunlight pouring straight into me as endorphin serotonin dopamine adrenaline altering my basic chemical makeup transforming regrowing my Self coming back to life waking the **** up waking the world up I can feel it I know it's time to move again time to run again time to drift again time to dance again time to **** again time to kiss again time to drink again time to feel again feel these things again feel awake and excited and anxious and nervous and alive again I can feel all of it beginning right now with every new sensation when I step outside I feel the familiar twitch of that little seed growing in the center of me stronger each day getting ready to burst