facing a Gemini not a literal one my sport washing my life a dose of nostalgia swallows me overdoses of sadness, stress, and blindness relaxation, a blue moon will show its face my heart. attached to one is now lost my independence climbing back constantly getting knocked down trying to climb the mountain of feels defeating the monster of confusion crossing bridge Gemini for a short cut rarely making it when I think I accomplish the journey and surprise always knocks me down just like my swimming my last lap was always putting me down wasting all my energy on the first lap.
My head a volcano that. wants to erupt but the wine cork stops it internal explosion occurs and the volcano breaks down
My thoughts a bottle of shaken champagne wanting to explode and spill with golden sparkling thoughts but the owner changing its mind to a '61 Latour a more expensive drink the bubbles collecting up to the tip wanting to speak but the bubbles fade and goes back to the golden liquid as my thoughts meltdown inside me
My heart. literally no longer around its been locked up in a cell behind my bones guilty of charge putting feelings before the mind causing ******
My Ears
overdosed with music songs that now control my mood dreamy, sad, hype anything my ears crave a marijuana to my mind ******* to my heart and LSD to my ears shrooms to my vision
summer of 2k19 pt.1
The start of my summer, the effect. of the past month lingering into my summer.