The world's a funny old place There used to exist wondrous civilisations in south amerika, north amerika, afrika, australia and asia
Brown eyes in asia Brown eyes in afrika Brown eyes in the amerikas brown eyes in australia Brown eyes in asia.......
In europe, old Blue eyes with holy laws got us tongue-tied and gave us Blue-eyed apartied You gnow this lyrik can wright words come out free-flight set the "truth" alight enough of this pirate ***** robbers and looters take fright I am the holy grail's "white knight" a rhyming flea-bite the verbal gun-fight of a poet's loaded tongue singing the praises of the unsung crying the cry of the dumbed-down dissin' the excommunicated klowns this is the patriachal showdown religious apartied must shut down exorcise these cabbagetowns time to make the vampires frown
Time to make your blue eyes brown see through your brothers eyes read through the lines of lies recognise the world wide spies
"Apartied is dead?"..."Mandela is free!" but not for all aboriginees the nomads of the desert and the people of the trees and every kind of refugee I don't see no Comanche presidency in the land of the Brave..... .....or the land of the Free All I see is economic slavery and god-fearing hypocricy a full-on global tragedy too much HE and not enough SHE too much US and too much THEM divide and conquer again and again Sanity sold by CON-men Truth dished out by AD-men
"so help me god" AMEN "with god on our side" AMEN "in god we trust" AMEN
who burnt the sisters at Salem? how did it start?...and when... ...........will it end this truth I defend I come again and again check my refrain to remain LOVE MUST REIGN feel this and you feel no pain to remain LOVE MUST REIGN
They've played their game the more things change it's always the same using pens to rob your brain telling us that we're insane well here's a lie from the outsane your system stinks like your house-drains your blue minds are chemically stained your self-worth's imprisoned in fear-chains no kind of killing is humane all prejudice is ingrained the vultures are driving the gravy-train supremacists carry a blood-stain blue-eyed apartied is soul-shame the HIStory of victors is all that remains
In the last hour 2,000 people have died of starvation...... 2,000 acres of rainforest have been destroyed..... half a ton of toxic chemicals have been released into the atmosfear 50 plants and animals have become extinct
SO!..what do you think? does it stink? are we the weakest link? are we standing on the brink? of a precipice, sheer........ ......with no bottom all our gains are ill-gotten this system is rotten we've all but forgotten it was before! the slamming of your doors can't keep me out conscious lyrik I'll spout we must bail out sort the wheat from the chaffe sort the good from the bad
let me ask you.......who's SAD? McFreudian....Babble-onian... seasonallyย ย adjusted BAD
INTEL-ectual-OTOMY ******-monotony Dot-com-fuckology must catch a fire dreaming spires...... .......and vampires Ride the wire we got to get higher ..............higher higher than high
Try this for size the slavemaster's disguise is the mirror in our eyes and it should come as no surprise that life's greatest prize is the life that you've got
yes life's greatest prize is the life that you've got