None of these work the way that they once did 36 years ago, before I left the world of Advertising and Sales Promotion as a youth and began doing concrete
As the proud Dad of 6 adult children, I don't regret any of the aches, the pains, the swelling, and body parts that just don't work sometimes the way that they were meant to
I am a Dad
I am a provider
Providing a decent life for my family on one paycheck with help from no one
I take and took being A Dad very seriously
Sure, my body hurts because of my tenacity and my passion to earn everything that has ever come my way but,
it was all worth it and I would do it all over again
now I have been blessed with taking being a 'Papa'/Grandpa seriously × 3
Until my body shuts me down and I can continue to conquer the pain,
I will continue to provide as only a Dad and Papa can