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Jun 2019
The finality. The depravity.
The hard, heavy wood and lungs gripped by gravity.

The Cross where He died was ugly, its true.
Brutal, shame-filled, blame-filled and cruel.

We had no chance in hell of being seen worthy.
Never mind seen, we weren’t worthy at all.

His flesh tore deep. His family would weep.
His heart had no choice but to break from the fall.

“Into your hands I commit my Spirit”.
It was finished, death came and collected due payment.

Judgment had come, the sentence was read.
The only way home was hanging up; dead.

And yet in the stillness the ground knew the truth.
Earth rumbles, dirt crumbles, the veil split in two.

This God-Man Yeshua was not dead for long.
For the plan He was part of could not go wrong.

His body was stabbed, grabbed, wrapped and then hid.
Highly guarded for fear He was who He is.

Stone rolled, guards groaned; only linen was left.
He cannot be held by decay nor by death.

Unrecognizable. Pure indescribable.
Unimaginable to be there when He rose.

The God-Man Jehovah is no longer dead.
Touch the scar, hear His voice, know the Words that He said.

While down here on earth this event it was gritty.
It looked devastating, it stank, hurt, and was filthy.

Yet outside our dirt world the Father knew better.
For His precious Son had broken sin’s fetter.

Heaven rejoiced for redemption was done.
Now we could be with Father, Spirit and Son.

Our devastating debt that would ever condemn.
Was paid by I Am; one born in Bethlehem.

Our Savior, our Lord, washed us clean when He bled.
To Our Father in Heaven by the hand we were led.

Because of our brother, this God-Man, this Christ.
He has washed us in blood and now we can rejoice!!

He’s greater than any old hero of lore.
They might have been mighty, brave, strong with alure.

But they can’t hold a candle to the blaze of our Love.
For He is far brighter than millions of miles of Sun.

It will never get old to hold up the light.
To time’s greatest tale; our great Savior’s fight.

I know I never tire of pondering this fact.
That Emanuel came, for He had what we lacked.
Sarah Beliveau
Written by
Sarah Beliveau  33/F
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