Elizabeth tells me she knows how I feel She thinks my brain is filled with Images of a different girl Laughing and spinning and kissing with You
Elizabeth says she's fallen in love before With someone who danced Just out of her reach She says my eyes look tired and My heartbeat is much too slow I tell her how I've been feeling Very tired and slow lately So she nods like she understands
Elizabeth thinks I'm jealous Of a whisper that glimmers On the cusp of my universe She thinks I could - even for a second - think about anyone but you
Elizabeth thinks I'm mad at the world She assures me you'd be better off Laughing and spinning and kissing with Me
Elizabeth doesn't understand when I get up angrily And tell her I'm not mad at anyone I'm just resigned to Watching you Laugh with someone else And spin around like a carnival ride And kiss a girl with strawberry lips
Elizabeth believes that two lovers Should end up together I believe that You love who you are When you are with her And that's enough for me