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Jun 2019
I’m scared you’ll get up one morning,
and the love won’t be there
Just give me the word,
I’ll be out of your hair
I don’t mean to be annoying
Certainly don’t hope to be mean
But you’re the best
I just need to come clean:
I love you so much
And I know I come off strong
But you’re just simply the best
And don’t even try to prove me wrong
I’m so lucky to have you,
Without, I don’t know what I’d do
The only thing I know for sure
Is that I love you.
I’m scared that you’ll leave
I’m so clingy, I know
I’m not trying to scare you away,
I just don’t want you to go.
I know you think you’re a bother,
But you’re most certainly not
If I were to tell the truth,
You’re the best that I’ve got.
If anything, IM the bother
How you could possibly put up with me,
I couldn’t ever know
You’re there for me when I’m happy
And the same when I’m low
I know I’m an over thinker
Yet I never think things through
But for one thing im certain:
I’d do anything for you.
Written by
Joey Patella
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