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Feb 2013
Am I just a pawn
Yet to be
Played out?

I see the eyes that see mine
and I feel their strange smiles
Creep up and down
The edge of my crooked spine

Could you get the time?
(Even if you knew it)
To look at me, not through me
(Now is your chance to prove it)

Show me what you're worth
Are you worth it?

Am I?

This is just completely unnatural
A force of nature
That is just completely unreal
For my heart to cure

Brown, black, yellow and red
My heads are on fire
With the unknown problems
That I hold and I hold
A ring full of broken keys
I wonder which doors they will open

For me,

My body just can't seem to get enough
Of their lovely poison.

The crooked legs of a girl lost in the wilderness of my black eyes
Gathered up all the information needed to even begin to write down
The true meaning behind me and the truth behind these untold lies.
Andrew McElroy
Written by
Andrew McElroy  30/M/Florida
   Anon C
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