Sandy white beaches, beyond luna's smile. Wreaths abound of all your favorite flora. Palm spring coconut flowers bloom.
Hand in hand in perfect rythum. So much I want to say but words continue to escape logic. To see you smile as I look to you. I never want to abandon this moment.
My heart beets. Booming as waves crash, dissipate and return.
Life springs deep in me. Reborn again. A happiness part of me never thought I'd live to have.
Myst among myth.
A passion courses through my veins, surging.
Two hearts joining in this dance.
Although the breeze is cool we lay nestled in cascading ******. The sun sets to a purple hugh. Blue moon. Prepossessing third feeling.
Sadate but never more alive. Don't speak. Don't blink. Speak no words just rest assured everything I feel now transcends time over mountains, below deepest oceans and raining above the sky and the stars. I've never been more certain of anything when I say the words; I love you.