free what does that mean to me? it means not being ashamed of what I see in me sure I stumble, sure I fall but I get back up ready to face it all I do have regrets that I can never forget but that's not stopping me from taking a breath or living my life despite struggle and strife I've had it hard, had it easy some days are dark some days they please me and you've had good and bad days too like others around you around us, we're everywhere sometimes we're selfish, ignorant, sometimes we care just not at the same time and not the same place we see things from different perspectives different mind states one thing I know well is that to be free you must forgive let go of your anger and let others live have faith that justice will come in it's due time you can't put out a flame with fire but you can be kind to those who do you wrong remember the silent can be strong if we all gave in to anger, sought revenge, and hurt each other can there be peace with our fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, sons and daughters? I can contain the pain I feel even if it means crying to the God who hears some people have no one to cry to they feel unloved so they show no love to others too we can't force others to show love but we can be the one to show them that that is what we're made of