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Jun 2019
When I was young I thought, life was all rainbows and smiles,
In a way, I knew then itself, I was lying.
As I grew up and became more me, Rainbows changed to grey skies and smiles to rain.
The parents I loved, started to crumble,
My mom a shadow of her former self.
And to be honest, I let them both down, especially her.

And as years went by and 30 drew close,
The disappointments grew, the indifference, the hate, the melancholy,
I just wanted to stop.
But still so guilt ridden, for thinking this thought, cause from outside I had it all.

Why do you have what you have? Why do you get what you get?
Why do you make of it what you do? Why do you stop?
Written by
Mustmusings  29/F/Melbourne
   Bogdan Dragos
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