The extra split second of suspense waiting forΒ Β fingers to be release held captive by soda-stained keys the familiar rhythm uncomfortably disturbed
The echoing strain as eyes feel the magnetic pull towards an airplane TV endlessly searching for dialogue gone MIA
Shredded fingers and cracked lips wind-burned lungs and throbbing eardrums pulsating temples the familiar ache
Peeling t-shirts off of backs making sense of childhood love soaking in tri-colored LEDs questioning validity
Past stages feeling like distant memories old therapy now feeling like a chore memories linger out of habit instead of desire assumptions of immaturity mask diluted longing
Stringy hair from groping fingers shattered nailbeds from shameful sabotage magenta stains covering past identities nighttime risks saturating your pace
Silence fills your ear at night isolation creaks around your fingers slow beating heart serves as a singular passage of time as hot summer nights slowly tick by