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Jun 2019
Colour becomes white
Like Doves
Transparent windows of ice
The sun shines down valleys
and alleyways
Crimson in devise

Light beams of orange and green
Send Larrikins tending
To fields of magical beans
To ride upon an insects back
Dressed in robes of inquest black

Tortoiseshell Mottled
Outback Bottled
Wattle Tree
We see the discovery
In magnified photography

Little whiskers
Like astronauts
Like blue defines the out line
of an afterthought

Colours return
In high definition
Sublime eyes
Sneak a second glimpse
of the premonition

Silver and gold
Stories foretold
In the ages of old
Surreal animals
Exchanging gifts
Plugging the holes
Of which become rifts

The delicate curves
of ambiguous reef
The place where wayward
Ships come to grief

The whole world rides
On a Tortoise's back
The illusion of time
Soon shows up in the cracks

Misty rivers
Cascade through valleys
In place of the footpath
In place of the alleys

The earth is a middle age man's
Hairline receding
With a mind like a open cut mine
With a heart that's bleeding

Baring itself to the elements
Delicately flowering
Self-pollinating diversity
In the face of adversity

Our Attention turns to flying
The birds what to do
Written by
Mickinous  Australia
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