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Jun 2019
Sometimes I get lost in the memories I made
Sometimes I get so lost I forget that time has paced since then
I forget that things have changed

I forget that there are things that separate us
There is someone that has invaded
I try to forget but late at night as I lie awake the line gets blurred

I forget my wake back to the real world
I don't want to return to the place where everything changed
How I long to stay in this memory with you forever

I long to feel you kiss on my lips
I long to hear your heart race when I was in your arms
The only place I can come close is to go back

To run back to those memories is dangerous
when I come back to reality its like feeling you leave all over again
but the feeling I have when I am there has no comparison

I never thought that I would be like this  
We had this dream of a life together
A life I was sure we would share

I never thought I would have to visit the memories of us I felt as though I would be able to always feel your kisses
but I let myself get to far ahead

Sometimes I wonder if you do the same thing...
Do you think back to what we had
do you long to feel me kiss you and hear the way my heart beat was when I was in your arms

Do you miss me falling asleep next to you
Do you miss they way I said your name
Do you miss the little things we did together

Sometimes I let my mind slip to the idea that you and I are possible
I let myself believe for a brief minute we could fix things
but then I have to remember that we are always just going to be a distant memory.
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