They say that so often, What we as people fear most of all, is the unknown, the limits, Whether that snake will strike Whether that one man can change the world Whether when I wake up today If it'll be my last Whether that asteroid will come more than close Whether the darkness hides something or absolutely nothing, nothing at all Whether when you hold on, if you even can Whether what is at the end, of infinity, is simply just more infinity Stretching and going and moving and existing, or perhaps not. Yet, fear is also formed, in knowing Knowing that snake holds venom Knowing that anyone can be important Knowing that there is death, seeing others succumb to it's gentle, firm grasp Knowing that millions upon millions of years ago, lives were flickered away, if not of our own Knowing that you cannot see, and therefore there has to be something, staring back at you Knowing fingers slip, hearts break Knowing that you cannot know, infinity Knowing to be afraid. Knowing, simply, what could. Knowing of fear itself.