"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on. " - Robert Frost*
I have grown old, but never grown cold. My pessimist Egyptian eyes never overthrown Or disrobed my optimistic heart. I was born under a bad moon And held in the arms of a child-wife. Thick or thin, Holy or sin, Dog-days, I took them all in. Now it is time for me to venture to the unknown where no mind has had a chance to tell of. Soon I will go out with the tide. They weep and pray for my soul. "OH! I just don't know!" they wail.
I know.
I know the children still play, The birds still sing and the bombs still fall. The flower still blooms And the wind will still howl. London will still have a Queen And I know you will still breathe. Thick or thin, holy or sin, I know you can take in.
I will not look back when I cross the bar. I know I do not have to.