They say it pays to get an education, But now there’s the debt of an entire generation. It seems like all of our teenagers are struggling with depression Employing our social media or our real-world personalities is a matter of discretion. Our climate is changing at an outrageous rate, & that’s a defensible fact, not a political debate. Drug addiction is rampant & unemployment is high In this abysmal nation which we willingly glorify. Religion & politics should never interlace But in a government with corruption, that’s simply not the case. You’d think we’d push forward, rather than regress Yet there’s large groups of people we overtly repress. Most of our roots are of foreign descent, Yet the thought of outsiders makes us grossly discontent. A new shooting every month is to be expected Yet we can’t finalize ways to keep our children protected. In the 21st century, a woman still can’t decide Legislation by men by which she has to abide. & with millions living below the poverty line Shouldn’t that serve to be some sort of sign That the ways in which we bolster America & make other countries feel small Have no truth to support our claims to greatness Not even a little bit, Not even at all?