When I was a young(er) kid I was asked to play a lead role in the high school play The only kid my age and dreams of fame and Hollywood crept tantalizing into my skull And when I got on that stage all of the nerves melted away and I know I'm supposed to be modest but I ******* killed it the school gave me a drama award and took all of the award winners to a book store with a one free book coupon and that was the first time I fell in love
I picked up a book by Darren Shan it was for teenagers but I devoured it cover to cover in one sitting It was an addiction and every time I got a new book I also got the old warning "Don't read it all at once this time Harry" Not a ******* chance woman I'm tweaking out over here It all became very clear It wasn't the acting I wanted It was the audience and with acting I was always telling somebody else's stories but my words were certainly mine and mine alone Until I decide to give it to you the audience the only people I've ever wanted to impress or help or move or even just make them crack a smile **** the money the women the food the real world They would all come in the end if they were meant to So to everyone who has read my throwaway little thoughts Thank you and I am so sorry