Rejected, contract not renewed and I hate these people but the rejection still hurts because no one likes rejection, really even from people we hate and disrespect which gets lost now because I'm still there and am surrounded by them and I think I know why this all happened, because I don't fit into the principal's kingdom where you must have only one drama director and not one and then another one out there who was just forced out through seniority because she might cause TROUBLE and it's true I don't fit in because I have gone to excellent schools, even an Ivy, and I've traveled the world and learned an obscure language and I have so much more experiences than most of those people could ever imagine having or even wanting
But it's still like the wind has been knocked out of me and now I'm feeling down, so down and scared, waiting for my next plan--will I be accepted there and what is wrong with me that I-- must stop these thoughts because they lead me down my dark alley there was Craig last, who I befriended and tried to love and he could never love me back and I thought if only I can get him to love me I will feel better and like I'm Ok in spite of being rejected and now it's Drew. and I don't like Drew and he kind of likes me and yet I chase him and spend time with him and I'm not even enjoying it and he is unpleasant and never says anything nice about me and never smiles andΒ Β is happiest staring at his turtles as they awake from hybernation and planning his cross country trip that will take all summer combing the country for any national parks he hasn't yet seen and i yearn for his love and when I've had an awful frustrating time with him, I ask him when we can get together next because next time will be better and he looks at me with a stare and at school a girl comes in at lunch and flirts with him and i can't stand to be in the same room because its so inappropriate and his boss struts in wearing high heels and onoe foot in a brace and flirts and she is married and she gives me resentful, knowing looks and i don't even like him but this punch to the gut, this fear now, this not knowing if I'll be accepted back into the school to get a new credential, the school I left to take this miserable job. this is driving me crazy like I'm hanging onto a vine, suspended off of a cliff with water and rocks a thousand feet below and I'm so scared, and every day cold be another blow and I have only fear and I must wait and I must build myself up again so I don't chase Drew, who will only make me feel worse, because he is rude and pushy as all my friends say and yet I ask to get together with him again. And I must learn to appreciate myself again so there will be no Drew. Please no more Drews, or Craigs and the list is quite long. And one day I do well and ignore him and then as the week progresses I get tired and it gets worse and I think, that thing, my drug please I need my drug, and off I go. I don't need any more drugs. I need to feel good about me again, from the inside out despite the rejection