I envisioned walking on water outside my window, it twinkled and sparkled- dancing by the aid of the sun. The sun was something I could be if I tried hard enough, I could kiss it and feel holy.
But life cannot be enjoyed when there is a screen keeping you from the parting splash. Of course, there is work to be done.
Sunlight is inside me, and I am warm. Though, it burns I ache to exist purposefully.
The becoming of the reflection whose face I’ve never taken the time to know.
It shows the repetition of a woman that I fear. The shadow calls me, it lives here.
The white noise of my thoughts ran out of ways to make suicide plausible.
Illness, like an imprint on the brain where serotonin is slow to the nervous system.
I took the cocktail in the paper cup, when my own maternal attitude wiped away those tears. I took the cocktail in the paper cup, when poetry no longer screamed in my ears.