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May 2019
Oh weary traveller heed this warning or ye be hers before the morning.

Beware the sorceress's lair ! Her all seeing evil eye will freeze you with a stare. Folk say she feeds darkness,it eats right from her hand. Enticing siren song haunts this wretched land.

An offering you must give..a promise...a soul..a secret never to be told. Maybe she will let you live or **** you stone cold.

The black abyss is her home, she prowls the night silent and alone. The dealer of misery a stealer of souls. Poisonous enchantress seducer of humanity writhing naked in wicked sin and depravity.

Full moon rising , it's magical silvery rays to Lillith so energising. From the coven of iniquity she'll seek you out, without mercy devoid of feeling, this goddess of antiquity.

Oh weary traveller heed this warning or ye be hers before the morning.
Written by
Gavin Oliver  52/M/Cornwall UK
(52/M/Cornwall UK)   
   Bogdan Dragos
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