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May 2019
Drowning in a sea of z list mediocrity, choking back the rage in a throwaway plastic age. Sheep led blindfold to the sacrificial altar of social media. Gagging on incessant celluloid overload.  

Celebrity replacing religion God knows ******* nose. One minute wonder I wonder where it will end, will it ever end? TV guide TV fix ****** for the masses to lazy to get off processed food fattened *****.

Rebels without a clue make me wanna spew,retch,go fetch a bone of contention. One nation imposing exclusive explosive pictures. Frontline exposé , streets fill with shrapnel detonating a temporary hell.

Back to life back to reality TV star anonymous. vacuous, tedious. Living on the edge living on the ledge. Make it stop end it now. Take a bow bathed in the voyeuristic glare of flashbulb *******.
Written by
Gavin Oliver  52/M/Cornwall UK
(52/M/Cornwall UK)   
   Bogdan Dragos and ---
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