by Ryan P. Kinney and Aaron Shinkle With additional content assembled from Eli Williams and Lennart Lundh
The fall of man
It was the end of monsters The end of mothers The end of haters Of lovers Of pain and suffering Of bliss and ecstasy
Nothing to hide under the bed No terror floating in your head Just the buzzing and swarming of insects
There was just the animalistic need to survive And Gaia had decided It was best for her survival If we did not
Truth be told We did it to ourselves
Some future digger after truth, alien or human, kneeling with trowel and brush at this grave, will note in clear, careful script the wonder that a people would be so deliberate with the smallest of their gods' creatures, and so careless of themselves.
One never sees the monster Hiding in the open No one ever suspects that we are hiding something When they are staring it in the face
We walked upon the new Earth Like we did on the Old Tugging along our gravel hearts On broken asphalt Our eyes slowly Moving towards the new sky The clouds, like curtains, unfolded Our feet freshly cleansed of old Traditions and assumptions that we would never make it to this moment But no one knew what was past That port of no return The ship sailed away, Faded out of view
Another layer chipped away like Hardened clay The people here aspire to be Nothing more than alive The lives of the New World In the hands of strangers Coexisting within each other For fear of never existing again This is their lifeline, their blood They are all in this repopulation Together
we see others as they are we see ourselves at every age and all at once supplicants, praying for tomorrow. Everything from nothing. And to nothing we return. To the whole of the way, We hastened our downfall through an illusion of control. Only through letting this run its course And stepping to the center could we hope for survival
The lights one by one dim The music softens The actors bow, We close the curtain on this world