It started with a smile. A smile and a laugh Flash from drunken rooftop parties To a stroll along the beach. Maybe it was the air between Alabama and Florida, Sticky sweet like the nectar from magnolias, Clinging to our bodies like an extra layer of skin, But I never felt closer than when our hands drifted into one another. Through the haze of the heat, I've never seen brighter smiles Than the ones you flashed me while we were walking side by side. The seagulls, the palm trees, and I saw you shining in the Florida sun As the waves crashed against your jeans while the rest of the world faded away. The waves, the sand, and I all saw you watching as we walked along the shoreline. I saw you watching when you thought I wasn't looking, because I was watching too. Back in the crisp Michigan air, we're two hours and a world apart, A hop and a skip I wouldn't mind taking Just to take our journey beyond southern comfort.