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May 2019
The rugged granite cliffs, sentinels of eons guard against the angry seas. Imposing,towering impassive, withstand tempest and Atlantic fury.

High above gulls wheel and cry in the azure cloudless sky. Larks twitter and chatter amongst purple and blue flowers,heads turned upwards to the blazing sun.

A green carpet  of swaying grass , cool  under bare feet. A view so beautiful out to endless seas flecked with white horses it takes my breath away.

The timeless glorious beauty of the Cornish cliffs tugs at my heart. It's majestic sight a wonderful natural art. Painted over millenia the brush strokes of divine inspiration. I stand in awestruck appreciation.
Written by
Gavin Oliver  52/M/Cornwall UK
(52/M/Cornwall UK)   
   Bogdan Dragos
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