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May 2019
I grew up overshadowed by lush fields
Couldn't catch the eye of no city boy

Here I am devoted to myself
How I love the way I look in blue jeans
Can't believe I let the smog cloud my eye

Where the lush fields stand
And the flowing creeks surround
I'll ride my battered bycicle with you by my side

There's a whisper in the Nebraska breeze
Reminding me of home
That whisper builds
That whisper cries
Home in the morning skies

You appear on the horizon
Brushing that curly hair from your eyes

The city folk with their fancy gadgets
Cement fields like grey tombs
Don't have nothin' on our way of life
Just listen to the birds

Don't live your life like a theif
Today might feel a time to be like a theif
But that ain't no way to lead a life

You know, there's a lot I drive by in my battered bycicle
Folk who is messing up
Always stay strong, my friend
Always stay strong

In Nebraska, when I was a child
I met a strong man
"How can you be so strong?" asked I
Here was his wise reply

Don't live your life like a theif
Today might feel a time to be like a theif
But that ain't no way to lead a life

Met an old lady who lived like a theif
"What happened to her?" asked I
Here was his wise reprise

Don't live your life like a theif
Today might feel a time to be like a theif
But that ain't no way to lead a life

That lady's gone now
It's sad  but true
Always stay strong, my friend
Always stay strong
Lisa Pospisil
Written by
Lisa Pospisil  50/F/Missouri
   Bogdan Dragos
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