this need for beauty, for colours unseen it will not bring peace
your flaws go silent in the moonlight or did
with the cold morning sun I was a stranger
the mercury within you grew and spilled until it was all I saw
what right do you have to treat a human being like this? you have already felt this or will feel, and then you knew it and how does this feel to you now? what right do you have...
stranger in my room don't take my hand again
the way I felt before this time, leave it alone
the next time I lay eyes on you it will not come back
a fragile trinket in your carelessness you feel like it cannot be you don't we all make that mistake too often
one misstep at a time one colossal negligence you threw away a pure thing will you get it again?
now if I am alive and still come to your grave it will be to leave flowers and the memory of... of the time you were beautiful, beautiful to me