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Feb 2013
Leaves were falling, crackling beneath the girls’ feet.
The sun peeked through the clouds, warming their faces that already dripped with sweat as they ran. Central Park folded around them;
With each twist and turn another couple was taking wedding photos.
Their laughter cascaded throughout the city, bouncing off the buildings.
The city was naked and new to her, a different world than her home in the Rockies.
They ran until they lost track of where they were running,
Finding themselves in a part of the city they had yet to see…
A completely different atmosphere enveloped them, and they ran on, smiling.  
Spontaneously, a café caught their eye and their stomachs pulled them in.
They sat with an eager plop, ordering simplicity and perfection in a meal.
They spoke of yesterdays and tomorrows,
Dreams and nightmares.
While they ate the meaty, juicy grapefruit and savored every last drop,
They realized how happy life was.
With a crunch of granola and a sip of coffee,
They paid and snuck their way out the door
Hoping the waiter wouldn’t realize they didn’t have enough money to leave a tip.
And they were happy.
Written by
jad  Bozeman, Montana, USA
(Bozeman, Montana, USA)   
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