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May 2019
Watching people on the bus
Thru windows
Talking to each other
And who do I talk to?
Just played music to a bar
And who did I sing to?

Because it’s night isn’t it?
There are lights everywhere
Rows and rows of lights
Colours flashing, signing
Like a giant lit up christmas tree on its side
And there’s no-one to talk to

A 3 minute fantasy will do
The removalist
I could go walking and not stop
Afraid I’d stop
Afraid of everything

A 3 minute fantasy
I’d put it all down for it

I watched the internet star
And what do I do?
But this isn’t doubt or disbelief
This is being sure
But with your lips sealed

Maybe just like heaven and the afterlife
It’s a fools wish
To speak with words
You mean
Even to yourself
Let alone somebody else

Here comes the crux
The lonely singular wish…
Don’t stop walking
Creating, collaging
Collecting, doubting
Posting, recording, believing
Writing, thinking
Typing, aiming and doing

A 3 minute fantasy
I’d put it all down for it
James Daniel
Written by
James Daniel
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