This was my life's work. It's all I had going for me. A head in a hand basket. A knuckle-rust sandwich. Stored neatly in a corner Reserved for mice and maggots Wrapped in used aluminum foil Just as I left it on that cold and only day Far away from grey skies and blue turtle tails. Most days I could barely concentrate. Too much pressure. Too many distractions ...and though I realized this was to be The last stand of my memorys I couldn't help but feel as if more than time was being wasted.
Apologize. It's the way my brain works. Nothing gets done. I fall in love with the thought of impermanence until the cold realization it's my own illusion whispering away on the wind no one else's... I fail again.
This beginning leans towards the end No indication an anti-****** of sorts and if there's a God in heaven, if I haven't wasted all this life struggling against the weight of damnation in vain... I will be redeemed in it's eccentricity
I've courted eccentricity a blind lover eager for the afterglow. Expectations I've hoarded are staggering They turn me into an eager handyman of souls. An eccentric nature I've absorbed Yet loathsome to me. Craving acceptance but ****** the man who can figure me out. It hurts so much to know I've missed you. The signal resignation I've been forced to grant normalcy.