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May 2019
Holding on by a string of a stem
Thinning by gravity
I will catch the next breeze
Warm and gentle, carry me free

I am so very young
Yet I know how to fly
Watch me spin, watch me twirl!
Flying down, down, into a soft earthy bed

I look up at the mighty sun
It feeds me energy
Enough to reach down into the soil
For I am thirsty

Seeking out underground
For any droplet I can find
I reach out here and there
And fill myself right up

Look at me, I am green!
I’ll push up higher for you to see
Stretching, stretching, day after day
Watch me as I climb

I’m getting stronger now
But nothing like my mother
She is the mightiest tree I know
One day I’ll be just like her
Written by
Eric  M
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