My weakness is what we'll discuss One that some say is a plus. A weakness that shakes meto my core, Grows my fears until i cant take anymore. I care about everyone i meet, Wheater on the street or in discreet. Ill never let a soul be sad, Or have one think of doing bad. Some may say its because im an angel, That i can remive ones ever tangle, That i can help them see the light, Set them off in flight. No ome sees the problems that are beneath, The anger jealousy sadness just searchin for reilif. Those which help the most have the most problems They are always trying their hardest to solve them, Like me just wanting the world to be happy Its easy sometimes to look over me. To forget that I'm the one who should come first To give myself holy water for thirst To bandage my hearts wounds And not help others too soon To take care of my mind foremost To make sure i do feel like the worst. But ill just keep my chin up, Walking around like i don't give a ****. Playing my facade off as the truth, Making my mind and soul reach a truce. in the end all i do is pretend, Texting people hitting sense, Living life day by day, Waving smiling and still saying hey. Thats what you have to do sometimes tho, Bottle in all up and like a jar of snow. Ill write now and again and let it all out, This way ill prevent myself from scream and shout.