he was killed, i can promise you that not that it meant a ******* thing his hands were solid, calloused from everytime he tried to set himself on fire selfish immolation, no cause no contribution, he wasnt great full, for his feet which stood on souls because his iron skin curled into steel fists radiated power, white hot steam creepily peeking out of the furnace
when he finally moved, carelessly flailing around, a steer in an antique mall furnished with heirlooms that were stolen, that we weeped over for years, he didnt care fully pour himself a glass to sooth his aching, his self infliction he feared we, he did fear unwittingly filling his glass with water, belly full, poisoned with clarity, we poured out his whiskey, he would suffer loss, he would suffer loss with us poisoned with clarity his glass looked transparent, reflected like a mirror poisoned with clarity he was so empty