This the story of a little girl Who grew up to fast Now things can never be the same again.
You stole the light from me Now I can never be the person I want to be
You left be broken and bruised And yet nobody knew about you
Whenever I think about that time I feel my heart racing sometime You took advantage of my innocence all the time Yet you are in people good books many times
There are scars in me that cannot heal Because of the pain you made me feel The memories comes flashing in a reel
And this cycle repeated itself I was again left broken and bruised Yet the outcome was just the same
The pain and hurt I felt it again In my memories it will always remain Deepening the scars that might have healed
These memories still remain in my brain Deepening,hurting,heavy like a crain
When I get scared of a little sound The memories than come back around The scar depth increased to a mound
When I see my people standing by you Laughing with you,helping you The scar bleeding renews
Nothing happened with both of you, Yet I lost myself because of you Happy lives lived by you Your punishment was not served to you
You were infront of my eyes Everyone was establishing their ties Noby cared about my cries
When I see you standing there People think I don't care Expressing my emotions very rare Nobody knew the pain I bare