I can't I can't I simply cannot live with this emptiness (and why didn't anyone tell me how empty it would be?) hell, I didn't expect a box of chocolates (melted stuck to the mailbox) or even a limp dozen roses or a farewell cordially written by the hand that knows well how to cordially say goodbye but I did expect something and never mind why- I expected maybe for the sky to change color or for each and every leaf on each and every tree to turn around in mourning in deference to some wild thing that not even nature can explain, me and my heart torn away like bark, undressed of love and left with only my nakedness I thought I would feel it in the air, come sweeping down and defining each of my breaths, each one a death to me when really I deserve no less than a two mile snake of black that runs through every red light and leaves nothing but road rage in it's wake (hear me snicker between the walls, ceiling, and floor of my new and fabulous tree) There is no special ceremony no cake to cut, no carrying this great loss over a threshold like a bride, like a widow all in one day, this death like so many others that folks just want to turn their heads away, this death like so many others, an embarrassing display